
Express-Times — OPINION: Wimpy Congress ducks the energy issue, deserts a national shield law, too.

The Express-Times, Easton, Pa.
August 3, 2008

Members of Congress should be charged with desertion for leaving town last week without acting on an energy bill.

Two critical parts of the bill -- tax credits for wind and solar development, and stiffer regulation of oil

The Express-Times, Easton, Pa.
August 3, 2008

Members of Congress should be charged with desertion for leaving town last week without acting on an energy bill.

Two critical parts of the bill -- tax credits for wind and solar development, and stiffer regulation of oil market speculation -- were left hanging, victims of the bickering between the parties over offshore drilling. Another bill killed by bickering was a national shield law to protect reporters when federal prosecutors and judges want to jail them for refusing to reveal their confidential sources.

Forty-nine of 50 states have shield laws, which safeguard reporters who do the toughest investigative work. Congress needs to revisit this issue in September, pass a shield law -- and get moving on an energy strategy.
