
Norman Transcript — It's time for a federal shield law

The Norman (Okla.) Transcript
May 08, 2008

State shield laws that protect journalists from being forced to name news sources have worked fairly well over the years. But despite several years of attempts, a federal shield law has failed to work its way through Congress.

The Norman (Okla.) Transcript
May 08, 2008

State shield laws that protect journalists from being forced to name news sources have worked fairly well over the years. But despite several years of attempts, a federal shield law has failed to work its way through Congress.

That could change this year. Several members of Congress have joined numerous media companies in calling for a federal shield law to be passed and signed by the president by Memorial Day.

The three top-running presidential candidates have endorsed the measure and members of Congress from both parties also have signed on.

The legislation is necessary to ensure a free flow of information. It keeps open a channel of communication between anonymous government officials and the press.

Without such protection, citizens and government employees may be fearful of disclosing wrongdoing or abuse of power. It's time federal lawmakers passed a shield law.

