Observer-Dispatch — Shield law good for America
- By: ASNE staff
- On: 10/16/2007 16:47:09
- In: Shield law editorials
Observer-Dispatch, Utica, N.Y.
Oct 14, 2007
A federal shield law that would protect journalists from revealing their sources should be approved by Congress and signed by the president because it's in the best interest of America.
The Free Flow of Information Act,
Observer-Dispatch, Utica, N.Y.
Oct 14, 2007
A federal shield law that would protect journalists from revealing their sources should be approved by Congress and signed by the president because it's in the best interest of America.
The Free Flow of Information Act, HR102, is an amended version of a shield law approved by the Senate. It is expected to be voted on Tuesday in the House of Representatives.
News organizations - including the Observer-Dispatch - strive to get sources on the record. But sometimes people are reluctant to come forward to tell a story without the promise of confidentiality. More and more reporters and media organizations are being subpoenaed about confidential sources, with courts demanding their notes.
Without a shield law, whistleblowers will become increasingly hesitant to talk to reporters because of fear that reporters will be forced to disclose sources.
In short, HR2102 will help watchdog journalists do their jobs better. And when they do their jobs better, the people of America remain informed - as they should be.
We would encourage our own congressman, Michael Arcuri, D-Utica, and his colleagues to approve this important measure.