South Florida Sun-Sentinel — Congress should approve federal shield law
- By: ASNE staff
- On: 10/16/2007 16:38:02
- In: Shield law editorials
ISSUE: Shield law takes another step toward approval.
South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Fort Lauderdale
Oct. 15, 2007
Congress is at the brink of passing a significant "shield law" for journalists. Lawmakers should conclude their work, as early as this week, and then
ISSUE: Shield law takes another step toward approval.
South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Fort Lauderdale
Oct. 15, 2007
Congress is at the brink of passing a significant "shield law" for journalists. Lawmakers should conclude their work, as early as this week, and then send the bill to President Bush, who should sign it into law.
The legislation is needed to set firm ground rules protecting the confidential relationship between reporters and their sources. It's important to do so because the ability to keep certain sources anonymous is key to a reporter's ability to serve as a public watchdog.
That's a role clearly set out in the U.S. Constitution. In fact, the Founding Fathers designated press freedom in the Bill of Rights' First Amendment, giving journalists privileged status for good reason. The framers knew an unfettered press is key to the democratic process.
Yet, a reporter's legal ability to keep a source confidential is in doubt these days. That's why the federal law is necessary.
The legislation in question, however, doesn't provide journalists with carte blanche. The Senate version of the bill limits shield law protection to working journalists, excludes people and organizations on terrorist watchlists, limits privilege protection in cases where journalists are eyewitnesses to torture or criminal activity and requires reporters to testify in cases involving properly classified material that could harm national security.
Those provisions are in the bill approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee on Oct. 4. The House should add those stipulations to their bill, and then move forward with a vote.
The bill is necessary. Having made such headway, Congress should follow through and conclude the legislation.
The ambiguity in federal law needs to be cleared up so that journalists can continue to do their work, and the public can better judge their government.
BOTTOM LINE: The federal law is necessary. The House should approve it.