
News-Press — Federal shield law is needed

The News-Press, Fort Myers, Fla.
Oct. 12, 2007

The House may vote next week on a bill that would give journalists a limited privilege to protect their sources when they have promised to protect the identity of those sources.

The News-Press, like many news organizati

The News-Press, Fort Myers, Fla.
Oct. 12, 2007

The House may vote next week on a bill that would give journalists a limited privilege to protect their sources when they have promised to protect the identity of those sources.

The News-Press, like many news organizations these days, uses confidential sources very rarely. But there are times when such sources are vital to investigations that tell the public important truths that otherwise would remain hidden because the sources fear for their jobs, or worse.

It's important to remember that this legislation, and a similar bill in the Senate, allow courts to force the identification of sources in certain cases, such as terrorism investigations. Generally, the law forces reporters to identify their sources only when there is no other way for the authorities to obtain important information. It's similar to shield laws already in place in Florida and 32 other states.

A federal law is needed because federal authorities are subpoenaing and sometimes jailing reporters as an easy way to get information.

That subverts the public interest in a free, aggressive watchdog press.

Tell our leaders to pass this legislation.
