
Archive December 2016

All of the articles archived for the month that you have specified are displayed below.

2017 ASNE Awards calling for best journalism work

Columbia, Mo. (Dec. 8, 2016) - The ASNE Awards, one of the few journalism contests in which news organizations of all sizes compete on equal footing, are now accepting entries. New to this year's awards are the new software that is more user-friendly, as well as the updated rules and categories that make the contest more competitive. The deadline to enter is 11:59 p.m. EST Sunday, Jan. 29.


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Support ASNE in your end-of-year giving

Now is the time. We need your support. In the past years, ASNE has found new ways to help members and advance journalism in the digital age. We have forged new partnerships and received new contributions.


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Copyright issues on Sideline Access mobile app

​What if a mobile app that allows high schools to provide content related to their sports teams posts an article from your news organization without your permission? Would this be an infringement of copyright? You can read the comments by Kevin Goldberg, ASNE's legal counsel, in our latest ASNE Legal Hotline


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