
Archive October 2016

All of the articles archived for the month that you have specified are displayed below.

ASNE-Poynter webinar: 'It's Time to Face the Overtime (Rules)'

In partnership with Poynter, ASNE is hosting a free webinar at 2 p.m. EDT Thursday, Oct. 20, to walk you through the federal Fair Labor Standards Act and help you get prepared for the recently approved changes, which will have a significant impact on news organizations. 


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Present our open government questions to federal candidates

ASNE and have drafted open government-related questions that can be asked of all candidates for federal office. Our hope is that they will be used broadly by editorial boards and reporters covering the 2016 campaigns, as well as interested members of the public who have an opportunity to speak with candidates. For questions, contact ASNE Legal Counsel Kevin Goldberg at


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Encourage Anderson Cooper, Martha Raddatz to ask about open government during Sunday's presidential debate

In the next few days, we encourage you to tweet one final time to journalists Anderson Cooper and Martha Raddatz and encourage them to include a question about government transparency during the presidential debate on Sunday, Oct. 9, at Washington University in St. Louis. 


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2016 ASNE-APME conference presentations available

​Click here to view some of our panelists' and speakers' presentations from the 2016 ASNE-APME News Leadership Conference in Philadelphia.


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Let us know what you thought about 2016 ASNE-APME conference

We'd like to know what you thought about the 2016 ASNE-APME conference. Please participate in our post-conference survey and provide feedback. Your responses will help us organize and plan for the 2017 conference. 


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Missed webinar on endorsements? Watch it online for free

"Endorsements: Why Do News Organizations Even Bother?" was a successful webinar ASNE hosted Sept. 22 in partnership with Poynter and the Association of Opinion Journalists. Led by Miami Herald Editorial Page Editor Nancy Ancrum and Jennifer Hemmingsen, opinion editor for The (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) Gazette, the webinar covered different approaches to the endorsement process, how endorsements are changing and why endorsements are valued by some newspaper editorial boards but not all. Thanks to Poynter, the entire recording of the webinar is available online. Watch it here


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ASNE revamps membership structure to focus on digital media, leaders at all levels

Columbia, Mo. (Oct. 4, 2016) -- The American Society of News Editors today announced significant changes to its membership structure to emphasize digital media and embrace newsroom leaders at all levels of U.S. news organizations.


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