
Archive January 2015

All of the articles archived for the month that you have specified are displayed below.

Less than two weeks left to submit ASNE Awards entries

The ASNE Awards, 
one of the few journalism contests in which news organizations of all sizes compete on equal footing, are a great way of presenting your most significant work and competing with your colleagues in the industry. Submit your entries by Tuesday, Feb. 10!  


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Help promote the First Amendment on Presidents Day

"Presidents Day is a good time to acknowledge that even our greatest presidents were scrutinized and challenged by a free press, and democracy was more robust because of it. It's a good time for America's journalists to take the opportunity to remind readers and viewers of the need to always protect the First Amendment, regardless of message or medium." - Ken 
Paulson, president of the First Amendment Center


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Statement regarding terror attack on Paris newspaper

The American Society of News Editors is shocked and saddened by the Jan. 7 terrorist attack at the offices of the French weekly Charlie Hebdo.

"Freedom of expression is a powerful tool for building and sustaining open societies and must be protected,'' said ASNE President Chris Peck. "ASNE joins with other journalists and writers to condemn the use of terror to try to silence the voices of those who have a different perspective on our world.''


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2015 ASNE Awards are now open for submissions

We're accepting nominations for the 2015 ASNE Awards, our annual journalism contest open for news organizations of all sizes. Read carefully this year's simpler and clearer rules and categories before submitting entries by Tuesday, Feb. 10.


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