
Archive October 2013

All of the articles archived for the month that you have specified are displayed below.

ASNE's Youth Journalism Initiative launches new website
 launched Monday, Oct. 7, with brand-new content for secondary school journalism advisers and students. is the newest offering from ASNE's Youth Journalism Initiative. The goal of the initiative is for every student to learn why news matters and acquire the skills needed to succeed as 21st-century citizens.
Replacing and, the new website offers journalism teachers and advisers information relating to news and media literacy, writing and technology. Comprehensive lists of training opportunitiesand lesson plans are also available.


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Save the date for the 2014 ASNE/APME convention

Save these dates for the 2014 ASNE/APME convention:
Monday, Sept. 15 - Wednesday, Sept. 17, at the Hyatt Regency Chicago.
That's right, it's official, and you have one year to prepare!
We told you in August that we were thrilled to announce that ASNE and APME were joining forces to present a joint convention in Chicago. In the past week, we finalized details with our convention hotel, the Hyatt Regency, in the Loop area at 151 E. Wacker Drive. It's a great location and, by all accounts, a terrific convention hotel.


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