
Archive July 2013

All of the articles archived for the month that you have specified are displayed below.

Court of Appeals ruling regarding James Risen subpoena reinforces need for federal shield law

Sometimes timing is everything. That just might be the case with the regard to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit's July 19 ruling that New York Times reporter James Risen must testify as to the identity of a source who provided Risen with information published in his 2006 book "State of War: The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration." 


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Join ASNE in the fight for a new shield law

One of ASNE's most important legislative priorities in the past decade has been to see passage of a federal shield law. We have come relatively close in the past.


The House passed such a bill on two different occasions, and the Senate moved legislation through the Senate Judiciary Committee only to see the bill stall before a Senate floor vote, despite President Obama's support.


We might be moving close once again because the Senate Judiciary Committee has indicated it will mark up its version of the legislation this month.


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ASNE supports letter requesting greater transparency in national security requests

ASNE was one of 63 organizations to send a joint letter asking for greater transparency relating to national security requests by the U.S. government to various communications providers. 
The letter was sent to 16 high-ranking government officials including the president, attorney general, Senate majority and minority leaders, speaker and minority leader, chair and ranking minority members of the Senate and House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees, director of national intelligence and director of the National Security Agencies. 


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Still in pursuit of a new shield law

In May, on the heels of revelations that federal authorities had subpoenaed the telephone records of the Associated Press and its reporters, President Obama directed Attorney General Eric Holder to review the Department of Justice's policies and practices governing the use of law enforcement tools to obtain information or records from or concerning members of the news media. Attorney General Holder convened a series of meetings with representatives of the news media, First Amendment advocates, academics and others in order to meet the president's stated deadline for submission of a report on these issues by July 12. 


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Catch up on what you missed at the convention

See what you missed or review what you heard at the convention. You can find more videos from the convention at 


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Reynolds Journalism Institute

RJI helps us keep abreast of industry news. They work with citizens, journalists and researchers to strengthen democracy through better journalism.
This week RJI is buzzing about our convention. See what they have to say about the convention and other industry news


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Catch up on what you missed at the convention

During last week's ASNE convention, we listened to 25 inspiring speakers and panels on topics ranging from diversity to social media. 
Program highlights included our high-profile lunch speakers, Sen. Marco Rubio and Twitter CEO Dick Costolo. At our opening reception, we honored two breakthrough female editors, Sandy Rowe and Jill Abramson.
We were thrilled to install David Boardman, executive editor of the Seattle Times, as the new ASNE president. 


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