Archive June 2011
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Colorado Supreme Court rules governor’s cell phone bills not public records
- By: ASNE staff
- On: 06/29/2011 17:22:00
- In: Amicus briefs
Like the amicus in which ASNE participated, the dissenting opinion noted that the majority ruling will allow public officials to circumvent the Colorado Open Records Act simply by using personal communication devices.
Supreme Court reaffirms First Amendment protections in video game case, as urged in ASNE amicus brief
- By: ASNE staff
- On: 06/29/2011 17:15:00
- In: Amicus briefs
Immediately following the decision, ASNE and First Amendment Center President Ken Paulson wrote an overview of the case published by Yahoo! News.
Michael Donnelly
- By: ASNE staff
- On: 06/28/2011 06:00:00
- In: General
Organization: Napa Valley Register, Napa, Calif.
Title: Editor
The media, minorities and mobile: Connecting with diverse audiences
- By: ASNE staff
- On: 06/27/2011 10:14:00
- In: Leadership in diversity sessions
Public officials’ votes are not protected speech, Supreme Court rules
- By: ASNE staff
- On: 06/23/2011 17:06:00
- In: Amicus briefs
ASNE was on the winning side in a Supreme Court case with wide-ranging implications that was decided last week. Nevada Commission on Ethics v. Carrigan focused on the validity of Nevada’s statute governing the recusal of government officials who may have a conflict of interest in voting on an issue.
A quick start guide to Twitter for ASNE members
- By: ASNE staff
- On: 06/23/2011 08:00:00
- In: General
John Robinson, editor of the News & Record in Greensboro, N.C, is a big proponent of Twitter for editors. “(I)f you’re not on Twitter, you’re making your job more difficult,” he says in an introduction to the quick start guide he wrote for fellow ASNE members. “It's not time-consuming; you can benefit greatly with only 15 minutes a day. It's not about what people had for lunch; most people you’ll follow talk about interesting things.” After brushing aside the usual reasons busy editors give for avoiding the microblogging site, Robinson provides some simple advice to help them get started.
News recruiting is competitive, sophisticated
- By: ASNE staff
- On: 06/22/2011 10:54:00
- In: Leadership in diversity sessions
Coverage of the ASNE Leadership in Diversity Sessions, held June14-15, 2011, in Orlando, Fla.
Old-line news companies struggle with a host of business challenges in this digital age. But top prospects still sign up to work in journalism, say editors and executives at five of the country's largest news organizations. Luring them are opportunities for growth, jobs with responsibility, mentoring programs and a sense of mission.
Roadmaps for newsroom diversity
- By: ASNE staff
- On: 06/22/2011 10:41:00
- In: Leadership in diversity sessions
Coverage of the ASNE Leadership in Diversity Sessions, held June14-15, 2011, in Orlando, Fla.
The perfect job candidate isn’t going to show up at your doorstep, but is probably only a click away, editors were told during a June 15 panel panel discussion entitled Roadmaps for Newsroom Diversity. And editors have to be diligent if they’re going to develop a diverse newsroom.
Assistant secretary of the Navy takes part in ASNE Leadership in Diversity session
- By: ASNE staff
- On: 06/21/2011 18:01:00
- In: Leadership in diversity sessions
Coverage of the ASNE Leadership in Diversity Sessions, held June14-15, 2011, in Orlando, Fla.
The United States Navy appears to be riding high on a wave of excellence in diversity. Competing in a business environment where the most talented and technically nimble prospects are wooed to high public sector jobs, the Navy is using diversity and inclusion as a strategy for success, according to assistant secretary of the Navy for manpower and reserve affairs.
Brian Steffens
- By: ASNE staff
- On: 06/21/2011 15:50:00
- In: General
Organization: Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute, Missouri School of Journalism, University of Missouri, Columbia
Title: Director of Communications
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