
Archive June 2010

All of the articles archived for the month that you have specified are displayed below.

Financial reform package delays disclosure of Federal Reserve assistance to banks


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T minus 36 hours until '1 for All' launches

This Thursday marks the official premier of the campaign, which was initiated by ASNE but which has now been joined by more than 1,100 news organizations that have pledged marketing and ad support. Editors should consider marking the occasion by writing about the First Amendment and the '1 for All' campaign. View the article to check out an excellent example already penned by one ASNE member.


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ASNE Praises Supreme Court Decision in Favor of Open Records

ASNE joined several media groups in filing an amicus brief in the case, Doe v. Reed, in which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that disclosing the names of people who sign a ballot petition does not violate their First Amendment rights. The case was originally filed by a group seeking signatures for a referendum to overturn a Washington state law expanding the rights of same-sex domestic partners; they sought to keep the names on the petition secret.


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ASNE joins amicus in 'expungement' case

The American Society of News Editors joined several media companies in an amicus brief that was filed Monday in a case in the New Jersey Supreme Court. The brief argues, among other things, that publication of an expunged public record doesn't constitute an invasion of privacy.


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The local mobile advertising opportunity


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Coleman: Teach difference between news and opinion


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'1 for All' campaign ready to explode out of chute


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1 for All: Standing up for the First Amendment

1 for All is a nationwide campaign to remind the public that there's one amendment that we all use daily. And it's the one that truly guarantees freedom for all. 1 for All is the collaborative effort of educators, artists, journalists, lawyers, librarians and many more who believe that the American public would benefit from a greater understanding of the First Amendment and the need to protect all voices, views and faiths.


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ASNE to conduct census of online news organizations

This summer, ASNE will conduct a new census to measure ethnic and gender diversity in web-based news organizations. The survey is voluntary and will be sent to online-only, general interest news organizations that are the source of appreciable original reporting. ASNE hopes to complete it and to announce the results before the end of the summer.


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