Diversity in America's Opinion Pages
The following material is preserved from the original AOJ website as of December 2016 and should be considered historical.
Compiled by members of the Association of Opinion Journalists as of Fall 2016.
List organizer is AOJ diversity chair Richard Prince (richardprince@hotmail.com)
African-American Opinion Writers
- Leona Allen, Dallas Morning News
- Nancy Ancrum, Miami Herald (Editorial board Editor)
- Max Anderson, Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, N.Y., community conversation coordinator
- Charles M. Blow, New York Times, visual op-ed columnist
- Alberta Brooks(Phillips), Austin American-Statesman
- Sharon Broussard, Northeast Ohio Media Group (Plain Dealer, Cleveland)
- Roger Brown, Florida Times-Union, Jacksonville
- Dawn Bracely, Buffalo News
- Jonathan Capehart, Washington Post
- James Causey, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, editorial columnist, writer
- Rick Christie, Palm Beach Post (Editorial Page Editor)
- Sherri Day, Tampa Bay Times
- Jarvis DeBerry, Times-Picayune, New Orleans, editorial writer and columnist
- Lewis Diuguid, Kansas City Star, columnist, editorial board member
- Byron Dobson, Tallahassee Democrat
- Tara Trower Doolittle, Austin American Statesman (EPE, or Viewpoints editor)
- Marietta English, WXYZ-TV Detroit account executive, sits on editorial board
- Vanessa Gallman, Lexington (Ky.) Herald-Leader (EPE)
- Robert George, New York Post
- Charita Goshay, The Repository, Canton, Ohio, columnist and reporter
- Stephen Henderson, Detroit Free Press (EPE)
- Andre Jackson, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (EPE)
- Harold Jackson, Philadelphia Inquirer (EPE)
- Allen Johnson, News & Record, Greensboro, N.C. (EPE)
- Denise Johnson, Star Tribune, Minneapolis
- Marcia Lythcott, Chicago Tribune (op-ed page editor)
- Bill Maxwell, Tampa Bay (Fla.) Times
- Byron McCauley, Indianapolis Star; content coach; community press/community recorder
- Jim Mitchell, Dallas Morning News
- Caille Millner, San Francisco Chronicle
- Tony Norman, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, columnist, editorial board
- Clarence Page, Chicago Tribune, columnist, editorial writer
- Jason Riley, Wall Street Journal
- Eileen Rivers, USA Today
- Erika D. Smith, Sacramento Bee
- Brent Staples, New York Times
- Chuck Stokes, WXYZ-TV, Detroit
- Spencer Whitney, San Francisco Chronicle, assistant editorial page editor
Hispanic Opinion Writers
- Brian Calle, Orange County Register (Opinion editor, bcalle@ocregister.com)
- John Diaz, San Francisco Chronicle (EPE)
- Veronica Flores-Paniagua, Houston Chronicle, Outlook editor
- Al Franco, Desert Sun, Palm Springs, Calif., engagement editor/opinion and social
- Mariel Garza, Los Angeles Times
- Ernesto Londono, New York Times
- Patricia Lopez, Star Tribune, Minneapolis
- Gloria Padilla, San Antonio Express-News (gpadilla@express-news.net)
- O. Ricardo Pimentel, San Antonio Express-News (editorial columnist)
- David Plazas, Tennessean, Nashville; opinion engagement editor
- Dante Ramos, Boston Globe, deputy editorial page editor
- Gissela SantaCruz, Austin American-Statesman, editorial writer and columnist
- Robert Seltzer, San Antonio Express-News, public editor and editorial board member
- Bianca Torres, Seattle Times
- Rachel Uranga, Los Angeles News Group
- Juan Vasquez, Miami Herald
- Luisa Yanez, Miami Herald
Asian American Opinion Writers
- Vikas Bajaj, New York Times (business, international economics)
- Mike Hashimoto, Dallas Morning News
- Thuan Le Elston, USA Today
- Amitabh Pal, Progressive Media Project (“the op-ed service I'm the co-editor of, doesn't have an editorial board per se, but I'm certainly one of the main staff.”)
- Michelle Poblete, USA Today
- Foon Rhee, Sacramento Bee, Associate editor, editorial writer and Viewpoints editor
- Masaru Tamamoto, New York Times (international affairs)
- Thanh Tan, Seattle Times, multimedia editorial writer
- James Dao, op-ed editor, New York Times
- Terry Tang, New York Times, deputy editorial page editor
Native American Opinion Writers
- Karen Lincoln Michel, WISC-TV, Madison, Wis.